2024 Annual Report

Celebrating another year of launching, leading, and multiplying thriving churches.

Dear Friends,

As we enter our 13th year as a network of churches, I am reminded of the continued need leaders and churches have for a safe haven—networks that serve as anchors for churches and leaders to rest, renew, and find their direction. But networks, like harbors, aren’t just for safety and support: they are launching pads, sending leaders back out into the open waters of ministry and mission. 

Since 2011, we have strived to be that harbor, offering support and guidance to thousands of leaders as they launch, lead, and multiply thriving churches.

Together, and by God’s grace and blessing, as a network of like-hearted, life-minded congregations, we have accomplished so much in the past 13 years. What began with just a handful of charter members has grown into a national network of 113 churches across 30 states. We have collectively launched 92 new churches with an 88% four-year survival rate. 

The demand for our support has never been greater. This past year alone, our pipeline for future church planters and established churches eager to partner with us has surged by 400%.

As a result, we have sought to proactively increase our staff, mature our governance, while also calling more of our network to participate in our mission. 

Our five-year initiative, “Establishing One Harbor,” which spans from 2022 to 2027, reflects this commitment. We are focused on solidifying our core ministry areas and the teams to lead them, building a framework that will allow us to triple the number of church planters we can support each year, fostering regional collaboration, and forming new partnerships to enhance our mission.

As we reach the midpoint of this strategic journey, I am filled with hope. By God’s grace, we are not just establishing one harbor; we are laying the groundwork for the gospel of Jesus Christ to bring renewal to even more lives and communities through movements of thriving churches all across this country and beyond. 

In the following pages of this annual report, we aim to share our progress, our purpose, and our aspirations for the years ahead.

Thank you for your unwavering partnership, your prayers, and your steadfast support. Together, we are making a difference.

In Him,
Dave Owens
Executive Director

Mission flows from renewal.