Our Impact

Our vision is to see the gospel of Jesus Christ renew people and places through strong, thriving churches.

We are prayerfully pursuing a goal of seeing 125 new thriving churches launched between 2019 and 2025.

To this end, we invest significant financial resources each year to support the launching of new churches because we believe that multiplying God’s mission through the launching of healthy churches is one of the key ways God desires to save the lost, build his new kingdom, and renew people and places.

Church Planters

We currently support the following church planters each month through generous contributions from our members churches and financial partners.

Awakening Church
Cape Coral, FL
Greg Wilburn
Bellbrook Bible Church
Bellbrook, OH
Roy Sherwood
Storyline Church
St. Louis, Missouri
Josh Wilson
Christ City Fellowship
Charlotte, NC
Ramone Bellagamba
Boise Gospel Church
Boise, Idaho
JB Van Hoogen
Proclaim Church
Boynton Beach, FL
Will Torres
Citizens Church
Birmingham, Alabama
Justin Karl
Redeemer Church Charlotte
Charlotte, North Carolina
Josh Fairbaugh
Proclamation Church
Mt. Vernon, Ohio
Rick Graumlich
King's Cross Church
Plymouth, MA
David Duran
South City Church
Richmond, Virginia
Jonathan Bowell
City on a Hill Forrest Hills
Boston, Massachusetts
Steven Castello
Capitol City Church
Austin, Texas
Robby Moore
Sojourn Carlisle
Louisville, Kentucky
James Fields
Antioch Church
Smyrna, Tennessee
Matt Gray
Citizens Church
Westerville, Ohio
Rob Kane
Local Church
Cleveland, Ohio
Matt Guertin
Steadfast Church
Charlotte, North Carolina
Tim Briggs
Citizens Church
Charlotte, North Carolina
Tim Olson
City on a Hill Somerville
Somerville, Massachusetts
Fletcher Lang
How we help leaders launch, lead, and multiply thriving churches

You need circles of safety and cycles of strength. Harbor Network is a unique community where you’ll find both. 

For us, this safety is relational, a place marked by real friendships with ordinary leaders serving an extraordinary God. It’s the space that every one of us needs to bring our whole selves to be known, just as we are. It’s also a place of theological safety, a partnership with like-minded churches. Without these spaces, church leaders are more vulnerable to the dangers of ministry. A circle of safety is not a luxury; we think it’s basic equipment for anyone on the journey and front lines of ministry. 

Our cycles of strength are the rhythms that make ministry and multiplication not just possible, but sustainable for the long haul. Strength is not about one, herculean effort that leaves pastors and their people broken or battered. Real strength is about rhythm—resting, renewing, returning. That’s the cycle of strength that informs everything we do.

You Advance the Mission
Churches Planted
Since 2011
Given to Church Planting
Since 2011
Given directly to church planters every month
In 2021

How will you make an impact in the lives of those launching, leading, and multiplying thriving churches?