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As a subscriber you’ll begin receiving weekly insider content, free resources, offers, and updates on specific needs in our churches.


The Harbor Newsletter

The Harbor Newsletter gives you weekly insider content, stories, and updates on our churches. It arrives in your inbox every Wednesday.

What can I expect from The Harbor Newsletter?

The Harbor newsletter provides a weekly slice of stories, updates, prayer requests, and giving opportunities to deepen your partnership with our growing network of churches. 

What kinds of content are in this newsletter? 

  • Specific ways to pray for our network, our churches and leaders; 

  • Exclusive updates and stories from our churches that will strengthen your faith, increase your gratitude for God’s work in building in his; 

  • Exposure to the world of church planting, church leadership, & church multiplication; 

  • Examples from Harbor churches on how they are reaching their city and reflecting God's glory in creative and contextual ways as they launch, lead, and multiply thriving churches; 

  • Important details about upcoming Harbor conferences, gatherings, products, resources, and new initiatives; 

  • Opportunities to support our work financially. Don’t worry: we won’t ask for money every week.

How often? And who sends it?

Every Wednesday from the Executive Director of Harbor. 

What if I regret signing up? 

We hope you won’t, but if you do, you can unsubscribe at any time.


The Resource Roundup is your handpicked list of resources you’ll enjoy delivered to your inbox every Friday.

What can I expect from the Resource Roundup?

Here are the details on what you can expect:

  • How often will you hear from us? – We’ll show up in your inbox every Friday.

  • What kind of stuff will be in these emails? – It’ll typically include a wide variety of resources from around the internet that illuminate different aspects of our network values and mission.

  • Can you get a sample of what to expect? – Sure thing. Click here to get an idea of the content you’ll receive.

  • What if you regret signing up? – You can always unsubscribe at the bottom of any email. If you don’t want to hear from us anymore, we’ll take you off our list.

If you have any questions, feel free to reach out.

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