Assessment Response for Head Lane
Provide at least 4-8 sentences for each response. Include areas of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats/concerns from your assessment of the couples' paperwork and interview.
Head — Theological Conviction; i.e. are they reformed soteriologically, baptistic, complementarian, connectional, continuationist, and committed to planting an elder-led church by practicing plurality.
Any specific conditions, homework, exercises, or assignments required for approval in this lane?
("Conditions" are requirements that must be met prior to being approved as a Harbor Network Church Planter.)
Any further comments, recommendations, or feedback that would prove helpful (though not required) for this lane?
("Recommendations" are not required for network approval but may still prove helpful in further development.)
Assessment Response for Heart Lane
Provide at least 4-8 sentences for each response. Include areas of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats/concerns from your assessment of the couples' paperwork and interview.
Heart (Pilot Couple) — Spiritual Vitality; i.e. clearly loves Jesus, demonstrates the fruit of the Spirit, marks of a growing dependence upon the Holy Spirit, high character, engages with God through the scriptures, prayer, and other spiritual disciplines. Their life together reflects spiritual vibrancy and others appear to be spiritually provoked by them.
Prepare/Enrich + Enneagram — Marital Health and Self-Awareness; i.e. able to humbly think through, reflect upon, and helpfully discuss issues in their marriage relationship, demonstrates confidence, resilience, and strength as a couple, understand how their unique personality and perspective fits into God's plan for their marriage and church.
Any specific conditions, homework, exercises, or assignments required for approval in this lane?
("Conditions" are requirements that must be met prior to being approved as a Harbor Network Church Planter.)
Any further comments, recommendations, or feedback that would prove helpful (though not required) for this lane?
("Recommendations" are not required for network approval but may still prove helpful in further development.)
Assessment Response for Hands Lane
Provide at least 4-8 sentences for each response. Include areas of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats/concerns from your assessment of the couples' paperwork and interview.
Hands — Pastoral Aptitude; i.e. in submission to Christ, the planter displays leadership qualities that are unique to the calling of a pastor/planter, understands the need to equip God’s people and release them to minister in their spiritual giftedness, not domineering, but rather he serves those under his care.
Any specific conditions, homework, exercises, or assignments required for approval in this lane?
("Conditions" are requirements that must be met prior to being approved as a Harbor Network Church Planter.)
Any further comments, recommendations, or feedback that would prove helpful (though not required) for this lane?
("Recommendations" are not required for network approval but may still prove helpful in further development.)