

Happy 2020!

Here's a quote to aid you as you wake up to a new year:

“Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. You shall begin it serenely and with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson

Praise Jesus and enjoy your weekend! 

How Jon Tyson at Trinity Grace Church Masterfully Models a Vision Sunday Message

I've enjoyed a few interactions with Jon Tyson over the years, who I met for the first time at Discovery Church in Orlando. Ten years ago he planted Trinity Grace Church in New York City. He tweeted a quote from Church Unique today which led to an audio I discovered of his recent vision Sunday message. If you want to improve your vision casting or plan your own vision Sunday this year, it's worth the time to listen.

Purchase "Whole Churches"

If you weren't able to join us in October for the Leaders' Summit, you can now purchase the Whole Churches Resource Package, which includes all the main stage content from the 2019 Leaders’ Summit.

Session Speakers include:

James K.A. Smith + Hannah Anderson + Mike Cosper
Dave Owens + Jamaal Williams + Nathan Ivey
Josiah Bancroft + Brad Rohdes + Annie Edwards
The Panel Discussion on Mental Health + Worship Playist + Chords

Transience & Church Planting

I believe that you put three or more quality leaders together in one place for ten years you will have a new expression of the gospel i.e. a church in each context. Gospel as a way of life will take root. Many will brought into the Kingdom.

Early Church Evangelism

There has always been a strong tendency for Christians to “withdraw into a kind of closed, evangelical, monastic community.” (as John Stott says in Motives and Methods, p.14.) This is not, of course, how things were in the beginning of the church.

James Gray on Mastering the Bible

He offers almost no tricks at all, and certainly nothing that seems like advanced or specialized knowledge. His program is so basic that it’s easy to ignore, and most people go right on ignoring it. But it really can take you deeper into the Bible than you’ve ever been, if you’ll just try it.

A 10-Year Life Vision Planner

The story of Notre Dame icon Rudy Ruettiger? It's almost too good to be true

The story of Rudy Ruettiger portrayed in the movie "Rudy" is just one chapter of a fascinating life. 

Join The Bible Project

We have a lot to celebrate. We’re so thankful for all of your enthusiasm and support that has helped a small idea grow into what it is today. We’re continuing to expand our existing resources as well as explore new platforms and ways for people to experience the Bible. Find out how to support The Bible Project and the exciting things we have in store for 2020 on our website.
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