
"Sin fragments us, separates us,
and sentences us to solitary confinement.
The gospel restores us, unites us, and sets us in community."
Eugene Peterson

Alliterated Sermon Outlines

In this brochure we address six aspects of alliteration:

  1. The Precedence for Alliteration
  2. The Purpose of Alliteration
  3. The Practices of Alliteration
  4. The Props for Alliteration
  5. The Preparation for Alliteration
  6. The Perils of Alliteration

Learn the Books of the Bible "Gotta Know the Books" song by Shai Linne

The goal of this video is to assist in teaching your children the names of the 66 books in the Bible. This song, accompanied by the words on the screen, will help with memorization and creating a fun time for kids to learn the books of the Bible.

Your Ministry Will Take a Lifetime: My Counsel for Younger Men

At some point in your life, God will injure you so extremely that the self-reliance you aren’t even aware of, the self-reliance with which you’ve been navigating so consistently by that it feels natural and innocent, will collapse under the loss and anguish. You will start realizing, “Oh, so this is what it means to trust the Lord. I need him now with an urgency, a desperation, a seriousness of purpose deeper than ever before.”

A Timeshare in Babylon

One of the greatest acts of Christian mislabelling is our ongoing use of the term ‘personal sin’.

The New York Public Library Has Calculated Its Most Checked-Out Books Of All Time

You'll guess 2-10, but you [probably] won't guess #1 without cheating. 

Sticking with Community in a ‘Gotta Go’ World

Our digital technologies are increasingly subverting our understanding and experience of community, even as they disguise themselves as catalysts for connection. 

The interconnectedness that technology promises comes with a caveat. If we really want true community, we have to be willing to endure necessarily difficult and uncomfortable situations. True connection is never as clean as a swipe or click would have us believe. 

How we organize our churches might seem insignificant, but it’s not.

In his letter to the church in Rome, the apostle Paul climbs great, theological mountains. But he also explores the valleys where we live our lives. "Love one another with affection," he writes. "Outdo one another in showing honor," he writes. "Contribute to the needs of the saints and show hospitality."

This is the calling of all Christians. And God intends that deacons lead the way. How is your church doing?

Goodbye, Neil. 

Here is a tribute to the recently departed Neil Peart, Rush lyricist and one of the greatest rock drummers ever. Tom Sawyer by Rush may be the first song written about Generation X. Whether you're a Rush lover or hater, though, the song got this right: 

No, his mind is not for rent
To any god or government
Always hopeful, yet discontent
He knows changes aren't permanent
But change is

Why work doesn't happen at work | Jason Fried

Jason Fried has a radical theory of working: that the office isn't a good place to do it. At TEDxMidwest he lays out the main problems (call them the M&Ms) and offers three suggestions to make work work.
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