
“When the slaughtered Lamb is seen `in the midst of' the divine throne in heaven (5:6; cf. 7:17), the meaning is that Christ's sacrificial death belongs to the way God rules the world.”
― Richard Bauckham
The Theology of the Book of Revelation

Planting Churches with a Lasting Gospel Legacy

Here are four suggestions for planting churches with a lasting gospel legacy.

  1. Start institutionalizing your church
  2. Start writing things down
  3. Start (keep) planting churches
  4. Keep praying

Jesus Kids

A Jesus kid, I’m a Jesus kid I believe the good news so I’m a Jesus kid A Jesus kid, I’m a Jesus kid God can use me too ‘cause I’m a Jesus kid

My kids love this song.
...which means that my wife and I REALLY love this song. 


Responding to Trans Questions

Thankfully there is an ever-growing number of helpful resources and information on trans which can help us raise the right questions and engage in a positive way.

City Roads

This website renders every single road within a city. I made this image of my city in less than 10 seconds.

20 Benefits of Being in God’s Word According to Psalm 119

You'll guess 2-10, but you [probably] won't guess #1 without cheating. 

The church needs more godly leaders.
But where do they come from?

Some people read leadership books in a season of rest and health. But if we’re honest, most often we read leadership books when we’re frazzled, when we see the problems around us but not the solutions.

If you’re feeling the leadership strain in your church, let Kevin Galloway show you a way forward, the way of Jesus, the way of personally investing in leaders who then invest in other leaders—because making an intentional plan to encourage and train leaders, is not a luxury; it’s mission critical, for your health and the health of your church.

A Lenten Guide with John Starke

The world clamors for efficiency and productivity. But the life of prayer is neither efficient nor productive. Instead, as we learn in the psalms, prayer calls us to wait, to watch, to listen, to taste, and to see. These things are not productive by any modern measure—but they are transformative. As a pastor in Manhattan, John Starke knows the bustle and busyness of our society. But he also knows that prayer is not just for spiritual giants. Prayer, he writes, is for each of us—not because we are full of spiritual wisdom and maturity, but because we are empty. Here is an invitation to discover, via the church's ancient rhythms and with Starke's clear, practical guidance, the possibility of prayer. Here is a book about prayer that is really a book about the whole Christian life.

GPD "Basketball Cop" returned as promised, and brought SHAQ as his backup!

You might've seen the video that started this all: http://on.fb.me/1UjxlAH.

Now, watch what happens when Gainesville Police Officer Bobby White AKA "Basketball Cop" makes good on his promise to return with backup for a rematch. #HoopsNotCrime
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Why the Name “Harbor?”

